Michigan: Human Trafficking Today

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Michigan: Human Trafficking Today—Course Summary

Photo of two women

Source: hhs.gov, 2022.

Human trafficking (human slavery) is not only seen across the world but also in the United States. Healthcare professionals may be the only people to whom victims have access who can help them escape their captors and move from victimhood to survivor. This course presents risk factors for becoming a victim as well as ways to identify the person in a clinical setting. All health agencies must train staff how to proceed when trafficking is suspected. Screening and assessment tools are included.

This course fulfills the requirement for training in human trafficking for nurses and other healthcare professionals in Michigan.

If you suspect that any child or adult is a victim, or is at risk of becoming a victim, call 855 444 3911 any time, day or night. If the individual is in imminent danger, immediately call 911.

Criteria for Successful Completion

Study the course material, achieve a score of 80% or higher on the post test (the post test can be repeated if a learner scores less than 80%), complete the course evaluation, and pay where required. No partial credit will be awarded.

Instructional Level


Conflict of Interest / Commercial Support Disclosure

The planners and authors of this learning activity have declared no conflicts of interest, vested interest, or financial relationship that may influence the content of this activity. All information is provided fairly and without bias.

ATrain Education, Inc. received no outside financial or commercial support in the preparation, presentation, or implementation of this learning activity and has no affiliation with any company whose products or services are mentioned in this activity.

Target Audience

Nurses, nurse practitioners, advanced practice nurses, physical therapists, physical therapy assistants, occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants*.

AOTA Approved Provider Logo 2023 ATrain Education is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. Approved provider #6558. This distance learning-independent is offered at 0.2 CEUs, introductory, Foundational Knowledge. The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.

Learning Objectives

When you finish this course you will be able to*:

  1. Enlighten others about the prevalence of human trafficking here and in the world today.
  2. Identify 3 factors that place a person at risk of becoming a victim of human trafficking.
  3. Recognize potential victims in clinical settings and state the skills needed to provide a means of escape and support.
  4. Perform screenings and be knowledgeable about local and national resources for professionals to use.
  5. State 4 barriers to victim identification and teach ways to address them.

*Please note: attainment of course objectives will be assessed in the course evaluation.

Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 2.00 Contact hours
Course opens: 
Course expires: 



Lauren Robertson, BA, MPT
Tifanie Sbriscia, BS, RN, CWOCN

Available Credit

  • 2.00 Contact hours


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