Domestic violence and intimate partner violence affect millions of people throughout the United States. This type of violence has wide-ranging psychological, physical, and financial implications for everyone it touches.
Domestic violence and intimate partner violence cover a variety of behaviors and actions. This can include physical violence, sexual violence and harassment, stalking, psychological aggression, and financial abuse. Domestic violence against women is common, although men also are also victims.
Understanding risk and protective factors for domestic and family violence is important for healthcare providers, who will come in contact with victims on a regular basis. This includes understanding individual, relationship, community, and societal issues. Understanding these multilevel factors can help identify opportunities for prevention and guide decisions about screening, assessment, and documentation.
In Florida, over 100,000 reports of domestic violence are made to law enforcement each year. The state maintains a domestic violence hotline that receives more than 70,000 calls each year. There are more than 40 certified domestic violence centers throughout the state to provide services for victims.
There are no reporting requirements for domestic violence or intimate partner violence in Florida—except for life threatening injury. There are, however, requirements for reporting abuse of children, vulnerable adults, and elders. Most healthcare providers and considered professional mandated reporters and can make reports by telephone, TDD, fax, or via the internet.
In Florida, victims of domestic violence have certain legal rights. For example, they have the right to file a restraining order against a perpetrator and be present at all criminal proceedings. They also have the legal right to request restitution and victim compensation.
There are many acute and chronic consequences for anyone who has been (or is) the victim of domestic violence, which can have an immense effect on a victim’s lifetime mental, physical, and financial health. This includes medical costs, lost productivity, the cost criminal justice activities, and lost income, including victim property loss or damage.
Education and prevention are an important part of ending domestic violence. In Florida, a wide range of programs have been established to promote healthy relationships, support influential adults and peers, and disrupt dysfunctional developmental pathways in childhood and young adulthood.
Understanding and addressing economic abuse while considering socioeconomic factors that influence health and well-being are also an important part of prevention and education.
Florida Partnership to End Domestic Violence
All calls and services provided by FPEDV are confidential.
P.O. Box 3927
Tallahassee, FL 32315
Hotline: 800 500 1119
TTY Hotline: 800 621 4202
Mandatory Reporters Use:
Phone: 800 96-ABUSE or 800 962 2873
Florida Relay: 711
TDY: 800-955-8771
Web reporting:
Florida Department of Children and Families
Phone: 850 921 2168
Florida Department of Elder Affairs
Phone: 850 414 2000
Fax: 850 414 2004
TDD: 850 414 2001
Florida Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
Phone: 850 414 2323
Toll Free: 888 831 0404
Fax: 850 414 2377
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800 799 SAFE (7233)