Stress of COVID-19: Coping Strategies for Healthcare Workers

In early 2020, medical and social science researchers sprang into action as they saw signs of unusual stress in the healthcare professionals who were faced with overwhelming numbers of COVID patients, some of whom were not going to survive. As numbers of infections grew exponentially it was clear that mental health among healthcare workers was being challenged as never before. This course brings together the findings of eight research groups who examined coping mechanisms that are both supportive and pragmatic.

To understand the psychological impact of COVID on healthcare professionals in the United States, U.S. researchers looked at an array of potential symptoms related to stress in COVID healthcare workers. These included anxiety and stress, depressive symptoms, general anxiety, tiredness, control beliefs, and proactive coping. Results showed higher levels of anxiety and depressive symptoms, more tiredness and concern for their health, and more severe stress appraisals, along with lower levels of perceived control and coping compared to age-matched controls. In conclusion, the authors warned of potential ongoing mental health impairment in this cohort.

In shortened form, here are the topics that comprise this course: (1) Traumatic Stress in Healthcare Workers During COVID-19; (2) COVID-19 Stress Syndrome; (3) Coping with COVID-19; (4) Mental Health Challenges of U.S. Healthcare Professionals; (5) Psychological Support for Healthcare Workers; (6) Breaking the Silence; (7) Caring for Health Professionals. . . An Epidemic of Empathy; (8) Social Stigma during COVID-19; and (9) The Impact of COVID-19 on Allied Health Professionals.

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Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 8.00 Contact hours
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Editors: Lauren Robertson, BA, MPT and Judy Johnstone, BA

 AOTA course approval #01790.

Available Credit

  • 8.00 Contact hours


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