Pennsylvania: Child Abuse Renewal: Recognition and Reporting, 2 units (317)
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Course Summary—Child Abuse Renewal: Recognition and Reporting, 2 units (317)
This online course is for healthcare providers and other professionals in Pennsylvania renewing licensure in Pennsylvania. Child abuse is defined, along with its components and categories. New regulations related to human trafficking are included. The reporting process is described, as well as responsibilities of mandated and persons encouraged to report suspected child abuse, reasonable cause, and penalties for failing to report. The course describes indicators of child abuse. It concludes with information about the prevention of child abuse.
Approval information: This 2-hour child abuse recognition and reporting training curriculum is approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) with the mandated revisions based on amendments to the Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law (CPSL), 23 Pa.C.S. Chapter 63 (relating to child protective services) by Act 54 of 2018 (relating to mandatory notification of substance affected infants by health care providers and plan of safe care) and Act 88 of 2019 (relating to penalties for failure to report). PA CE Provider #CACE000044; Program #CAPR000042; CE Course #ATE10002.
Criteria for Successful Completion
Study the course material, achieve a score of 80% or higher on the post test (the post test can be repeated if a learner scores less than 80%), complete the course evaluation, and pay where required. No partial credit will be awarded.
Instructional Level
Conflict of Interest / Commercial Support Disclosure
The planners and authors of this learning activity have declared no conflicts of interest, vested interest, or financial relationship that may influence the content of this activity. All information is provided fairly and without bias.
ATrain Education, Inc. received no outside financial or commercial support in the preparation, presentation, or implementation of this learning activity and has no affiliation with any company whose products or services are mentioned in this activity.
Target Audience
Mandated reporters, persons encouraged to report suspected child abuse including individuals seeking or renewing licensure in Pennsylvania, school staff, school contractors, school volunteers, healthcare professionals, and mental health professionals.
Learning Objectives
When you finish this course you will be able to*:
- Relate the 3 key components of child abuse recognized under Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law for children and parents to ensure a child’s well-being.
- Understand that nothing in the PA CPSL requires a person who has reasonable cause to suspect a child is a victim of child abuse to identify the type of abuse they are reporting when making a report of suspected child abuse.
- Understand that nothing in the PA CPSL requires a person who has reasonable cause to suspect a child is a victim of child abuse to consider the exclusions from child abuse in order to make a report of suspected child abuse.
- Understand the four circumstances that require a mandated reporter to immediately report suspected child abuse if they have reasonable cause to suspect a child is a victim of child abuse.
- Define reasonable cause as it relates to the reporting of child abuse.
- Understand that nothing in section 6311 of the PA CPSL (relating to persons required to report suspected child abuse) requires a child to come before the mandated reporter in order for the mandated reporter to make a report of suspected child abuse.
- Understand that nothing in section 6311 of the PA CPSL (relating to persons required to report suspected child abuse) requires the mandated reporter to identify the person responsible for the child abuse in order to make a report of suspected child abuse.
- Describe the concept of “good faith” when making a report of child abuse.
*Please note: attainment of course objectives will be assessed in the course evaluation.
Susan Walters Schmid, PhD and Lauren Robertson, BA, MPT
PA CE Provider #CACE000044. Program #CAPR000042.
Available Credit
- 2.00 Contact hours