Oregon: Pain, Healthcare's Persistent Challenge, 6 units

This course meets the requirement for a 6-unit course in pain and pain management mandated by Oregon’s Senate Bill 885.

Outlines efforts to improve pain management policies, procedures, and healthcare professional education in Oregon. Covers both pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment of pain and discusses the reasons for the startling increase in use, misuse, and abuse of prescription opioids. Describes pain management in special populations and offers effective tools for assessing and documenting pain. Describes common rehabilitation therapy treatments for pain, including manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, and ultrasound, among others. Describes common integrative and alternative pain management techniques, including mediation, acupuncture, and yoga, among others. Describes barriers to effective pain management policies and procedures in healthcare organizations.

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Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 6.00 Contact hours
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Lauren Robertson, BA, MPT

Available Credit

  • 6.00 Contact hours


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