Wound Care: Moving Toward HealingPage 2 of 13

Wound Care: Moving Toward Healing

Wound Care Course Introduction Photo


Author: Tifanie Sbriscia, BS, RN, CWOCN


Contact hours: 5
Expiration date: September 1, 2022
Course price: $29

Course Summary

Details comprehensive wound assessment, and introduces categories of wounds including pressure, venous insufficiency, diabetic, arterial, and surgical. Discusses elements of pressure injuries and the 4 stages that must be identified before treatment can begin. Documentation and measuring, reassessment and evaluation are spelled out. Advanced, palliative, and hospice care are discussed.

The following course information applies to occupational therapy professionals:

  • Target Audience: Occupational Therapists, OTAs
  • Instructional Level: Intermediate
  • Content Focus: Category 1—Domain of OT, Client Factors

Criteria for Successful Completion

A score of 80% or higher on the post test, a completed evaluation form, and payment where required. No partial credit will be awarded.


To find specific accreditations or approvals, click here.

Course Objectives

When you finish this course you will be able to:

  1. Identify at least 5 treatment elements that contribute to increased wound healing.
  2. Name 6 factors that must be included in a comprehensive wound assessment.
  3. Properly identify various stages of pressure injuries, discuss at least three prevention techniques used in the home care setting, and identify 5 possible areas of pressure.
  4. Discuss the characteristics of venous insufficiency ulcers and list 2 benefits of edema control.
  5. Discuss at least three educational topics that will assist in wound prevention in diabetic patients and identify three characteristics of a diabetic foot wound.
  6. Describe arterial wound characteristics and the primary risk factors and intervention to assist in wound healing.
  7. List signs and symptoms of infection and identify topics to educate the patient and caregiver on surgical site wound healing.
  8. List at least 2 referral resources that promote effective wound healing and discuss the goal of palliative wound treatment.
  9. List 4 things to include in wound description and documentation.
  10. State an accurate time frame for reevaluation of acute and chronic wounds.