Author: Lauren Robertson, BA, MPT
Contact hours: 3
Expiration date: June 1, 2021
Course price: $29
Course Summary
Designer drugs are synthetic compounds whose molecular structures have been modified based on chemically similar illicit drugs. The newly created substances can often be purchased legally because their modified chemical structures are not covered under existing drug laws. Since, in many cases, designer drugs are not yet illegal, they are inaccurately referred to as “legal highs” or “herbal highs.” This course gives an overview of the types of designer drugs and describes the challenges related to testing and assessment of designer drug use as wells as goals for treatment of designer drug addiction.
Criteria for Successful Completion
A score of 80% or higher on the post test, a completed evaluation form, and payment where required. No partial credit will be awarded.
To find specific accreditations or approvals, click here.
Course Objectives
When you finish this course you will be able to:
- Provide a definition of the term designer drugs.
- Describe three key aspects of synthetic cathinones.
- Explain three ways in which synthetic cannabinoids differ from cannabis.
- List three clinical features of synthetic hallucinogen misuse.
- Describe two challenges related to testing and assessment of designer drug use.
- Explain two overall goals for the treatment of designer drug addiction