2-1-1 Information and Referral Search
For help with food, housing, employment, healthcare, counseling, and crisis intervention, and more in many counties in Florida. www.211.org, or call 211
Area Agency on Aging for North Florida
Serves as the designated Aging Resource Center for the Panhandle and Big Bend areas. Consumers, families and caregivers can access the Aging Resource Center in their community by calling the Elder Helpline. www.aaanf.org/ 800 963 5337
Alzheimer’s Association
Provides support, education, and research throughout Florida. They have excellent educational material, a newsletter, fundraising and volunteer opportunities, and a 24/7 helpline. www.alz.org 800 272 3900
Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR) Center
Established by an act of Congress in 1990—part of the National Institutes of Health. Compiles, archives, and disseminates information about AD for health professionals, people with AD and their families, and the public. The website provides excellent educational material about Alzheimer’s disease, current research initiatives, support services, and much more. www.nia.nih.gov/alzheimers 800 438 4380
AlzOnline: Caregiver Support Online
Part of the Center for Telehealth and Healthcare Communications at the University of Florida. It provides caregiver education, information, and support for those caring for a family member or friend with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias. alzonline.phhp.ufl.edu/
Alzheimer’s Project
A nonprofit organization located in Tallahassee. Provides comfort, support, and assistance to persons with memory disorders and their caregivers. Serves the Big Bend community of Florida with education and training, in-home respite, support groups, counseling, referral to community resources, and recovery of wanderers through the Project Lifesaver program. Services are free of charge. www.alzheimersproject.org/ 850 386 2778
CJE Senior Life
Provides caregivers with educational materials and resources applicable to many different caregiving situations. Addresses risk of caregiver burnout by sharing expertise in dealing with the older adult population. www.cje.net/
Eldercare Locator
A public service of the Administration on Aging, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; a nationwide service that connects older Americans and their caregivers with information on senior services. www.eldercare.gov/Eldercare.NET/Public/Index.aspx , or call 800 677 1116
Family Caregiver Alliance National Center on Caregiving
A community-based nonprofit organization that addresses the needs of families and friends providing longterm care for loved ones at home. Provide assistance, education, research, and advocacy. www.caregiver.org / 800 445 8106
Florida Adult Day Services Association (FADSA)
Provides leadership, education, planning, and development of adult day services across Florida. Promotes quality day services, respite programs, adult day health centers, and education, training, and advocacy within the long-term care industry. www.fadsa.net/
Florida Council on Aging
A statewide association that represents aging interests through education, information-sharing, and advocacy. www.fcoa.org / 850 222 8877
Florida Department of Elder Affairs
Coordinates and develops policy for the Alzheimer’s Disease Initiative, provides services for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, and similar memory disorders, and their families. Provides supportive services including counseling, consumable medical supplies and respite for caregiver relief; memory disorder clinics to provide diagnosis, research, treatment, and referral; model day care programs to test new care alternatives; research database and brain bank to support research. elderaffairs.state.fl.us/index.php, or call 850 414 2000
Florida Elder Helpline: Florida Department of Elder Affairs
Provides information about elder services and activities. Information is available through the Elder Helpline Information and Assistance service within each Florida County. elderaffairs.state.fl.us/doea/elder_helpline.php, or call 800 963 5337
Florida Hospice and Palliative Care Association (FHPC)
A not-for-profit organization representing Florida’s hospice programs. Ensure excellence and access to hospice care; advocates for the needs of those in the final phases of life. floridahospices.org/ 800 282 6560
Florida Respite Coalition
Supports caregivers and promotes quality respite care to individuals with special care needs throughout the state. www.floridarespite.org
Florida Telecommunications Relay (FTRI)
A statewide nonprofit organization that administers the Specialized Telecommunications Equipment Distribution Program for citizens of Florida who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf/blind, and speech impaired. FTRI is also responsible for the education and promotion of the Florida Relay Service. www.fccdhh.org/services/assistive-technology/florida-telecommunications-relay-inc.html
Memory Disorder Clinic at the Tallahassee Memorial Neuroscience Center
A team of memory disorder specialists who provide a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation for persons concerned about memory problems. www.tmh.org/memory 850 431 5001
National Council of Certified Dementia Trainers
Promotes standards of excellence in dementia education for professionals and other caregivers who provide services to dementia clients. www.nccdp.org
Share the Caregiving
Dedicated to educating the caregiving communities about the effectiveness of the Share the Care model. Share the Care encourages ordinary people to pool their efforts to help ease the burden on family caregivers and help those without family nearby. www.sharethecare.org/
Strength for Caring (SFC)
A website designed to provide family caregivers with a broad range of expert content and information, an emerging online community, daily inspiration, and much needed support. www.strengthforcaring.com/
Today’s Caregiver
Caregiver Media Group provides information, support, and guidance for family and professional caregivers. It publishes Today’s Caregiver magazine, the first national magazine dedicated to caregivers, presents Fearless Caregiver conferences, and offers a website that includes newsletters, online discussion lists, articles from Today’s Caregiver, chat rooms, and an online store. www.Caregiver.com